Want to save money while also saving the planet? Try these eco-friendly ways to save money while doing your part in conserving our planet!

It's no secret that we all loving saving money. In addition, we all want to do our part to save the planet.
I mean, who doesn't love a sea turtle?!
We all eliminated straws the moment the picture of the sea turtle with the straw in his nose surfaced. It was so sad to see and made sense to eliminate plastic straws immediately!
However, unfortunately Americans often ignore the fact that so many other unnecessary things use so much more plastic than straws do. In fact, water bottles and plastic bags are some of the biggest uses of plastic in the world!
Did you know that in America, 75% of products are recyclable, but we only actually recycle 30% of it? That's insane!
Have you ever visited a landfill? If you haven't, I suggest maybe thinking about adding it to your to-do list this week. It is EYE-OPENING to say the least. The amount of dump trucks that are consistently unloading huge amounts of trash is actually quite unbelievable and devastating.
A landfill will make you realize just how much trash there is. It will inspire you to do what you can to help save our planet. I know it definitely inspired me and motivated me to write this post! But, in classic Financial Cookbook style, I've got to explain how you can save money by going green!
This ultimate list of eco-friendly ways to save money will help you do your part in conserving the earth we live on either through less waste, green choices, or less energy use, etc!
Living a “green” lifestyle doesn't need to be expensive at all. In fact, it's often quite the opposite.
We can all help the planet by taking one step at a time to do our part.
Let's get started!
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Ways to Save the Planet While Saving Money
This list is filled with tips/tricks to help you make small changes that will help save our earth. Some things are items that will save you loads of money in the future and other things are tips!
Yes, I hardly ever do this, but I'm actually giving you the green light to BUY specific items in order to save money in the future. Yikes, I can't believe I said that but you'll understand my exact reasoning under each item.
Let's get started on this ultimate guide to unique eco-friendly ways to save money!
1. Buy in Bulk
It's no secret that buying in bulk is a FANTASTIC money saver. However, did you ever notice how much packaging is involved in a regular item?
For example, a simple bottle of glass cleaner comes in a plastic bottle for easy spraying. However, if you buy the glass cleaner in bulk at stores like Costco, Sam's Club, you can eliminate the additional plastic waste that would have come from the equal amount of product in normal spray bottles.
Just get glass spray bottles for the cleaning products and continue filling them. This will save an enormous amount of money down the line and will assist in helping eliminate additional waste!
The same goes for all food items. Buying in bulk is just cheaper in general. Less packaging means less waste in the landfill.
This brings me to my next point (along the same lines)…
2. Buy From Bulk Bins (if possible)
You know those stores (like Sprouts) that have bins of products where you serve yourself? Those are awesome for saving money and helping our environment by eliminating plastic waste!

Fill up with your exact desired amount of almonds, chia, coconut flakes, oatmeal, etc! They usually have about 100 items you can fill in bags and take as little or as much as you'd like.
The prices on the products in these bins are much cheaper by the pound than the product is if bought packaged since the manufacturer isn't using their packing material. They pass the savings on to you!
However, don't use the plastic bags they offer you! Instead, invest in reusable bags like these to fill with nuts, oatmeal, chia and even flour!
Just think about how much plastic you'll save in your life by using these bulk foods reusable bags instead of the plastic bags!

While we're on the bag topic, let's just tackle this next one right away…
3. Take Your Own Reusable Grocery Bags To All Stores
I'm sure you've heard this one before. Don't ignore it. This one is HUGE!
In the US alone, we use 4 billion plastic bags per year!! You don't even want to know how many plastic bags are used world-wide, but it has 12 zeros behind it. Baby steps, right? Yikes! Taking it one step further, it takes 12 million barrels of oil just to accommodate the plastic bag consumption in the US. That's insane!!
Here in California, we started a “no-bag” policy years ago. I will admit, it was a bit strange at first buying items in a retail or grocery store and then just walking out holding the items in my hands.
However, once you get used to it, it's completely normal and you will feel good about not using the plastic bag they offer for 10 cents.
I know many states have not enacted this rule yet, but all states should. I'm sure it will come eventually because it's an obvious way to eliminate unnecessary plastic in society.
Once your state enacts this rule, they will charge anywhere from 10 cents up to a dollar for a plastic bag. You'll quickly learn to bring your own bag to save money so why not start now?
This is such a great eco-friendly way to save money! Invest in some reusable bags that stay in your car to take into any store you go to (Target, Grocery stores, the mall, etc). Trust me. You'll stand out when you deny that plastic bag at checkout.
You'll start to be the local hero each day! It makes me feel good!
In fact, if that didn't scare you away and you're open to helping the planet even further, try using reusable produce bags! This hack has saved our family from many plastic bags! I LOVE these little produce bags! I also ALWAYS get questions on them when I'm using them in the produce aisle. The ones I use are below.
(Yes, this is the last bag-related one. I promise. Are you seeing a trend though? Plastic bags are extremely detrimental to our economy.)
- FREE Printable Expense Tracker: Downloadable Budget Binder
- How to Make Your Own FREE Personal Finance Organizer
4. Turn Down Your Water Heater
This is such a great money saving hack that also saves energy to help our planet!
Have you ever noticed that when you turn on the shower, your water will heat up until it's scolding hot? Then you proceed to turn it down to a more enjoyable level?
You are actually wasting energy by having your water heat up to such high (and unnecessary) levels. Every time you heat up water, you are using energy (or gas if it's a gas water heater). That energy will then be added to your electricity bill every month.
Save money and help the planet by turning down your water heater so that it's not overheating the water above the level you desire.
5. Ditch Plastic Bottled Water
Okay, it's time ya'll. I'm sorry, but I'm saying it.
No more buying plastic water bottles.
38 million plastic bottles go to landfills each year as of 2015! Those often end up in oceans or in habitats which affect our environment and our animals.
We've got to stop buying bottled water. In fact, I'd say this is the #1 best eco-friendly way to save money and help the environment in a huge way!

This is such an EASY way to save money. Water is FREE from any faucet!! Why are we paying for it via plastic bottled water!? That's simply crazy!
Yet, every time I'm at Costco, I see nearly every cart filled with packages of bottled water. These use SO MUCH MORE plastic that STRAWS! Yet, America ditched straws literally overnight due to the turtle picture. What is it going to take to get rid of bottled water?
Have you ever heard the Jim Gaffigan joke about bottled water? If you haven't, go take a listen for a good laugh!
Instead of wasting money on plastic bottled water that just goes into a landfill, spend your money on some awesome home and outdoor use water bottles that can be refilled time and time again for free!
You'll break even in no time and start saving money immediately! Plus, you can be fashionable while saving the environment!
Home Use:
To combat the plastic bottled water predicament, I bought these awesome glass water bottles for home use. I don't like to use a “gym” water bottle while on the couch watching TV eating popcorn, nor would my guests like to use one of my “gym” water bottles.
Therefore, I use these glass bottles and keep them filled with water at all times in the fridge. Guests and family know they can grab them at anytime for fresh, cold water. The bottles are THE BEST! I just throw them in the dishwasher (like I would a normal glass) to steam and sanitize them.
Hint: I also put my green juice in them each week and take one out each day for my green juice of the day!
For a cheap insulated drinking tumbler that looks and functions like the name brand Yeti, I get these insulated tumblers on Amazon. They have so many colors and are the best quality I've found for the cheapest price. I have them in white, sakura (light pink), and mint. I'm thinking about also getting the baby blue because I just love cups. My man always tells me I'm the girl from the movie Signs. Can anyone else relate?
They look exactly like Yeti cups, but for 1/3 of the price! Such a great find!
Outdoor/Gym Use:
When you leave the house, you certainly won't want to bring the glass bottles with you. For outdoor/gym/hiking use, I have tried every single outdoor water bottle imaginable and I always stick with Thermoflask now.
I have every size, but I love the 24 oz ones for the gym/hiking and I have two 40 oz ones that I rotate for getting my recommended 120 ounces of water in per day. (Yes, you should be drinking at least that much water per day.)
6. Use Cloth Napkins
How many of us use paper towels or paper napkins for each meal at home? I'd venture to guess the majority of us!
Instead of wasting money on paper napkins, invest in cloth napkins that can be washed and reused time and time again!
They're much more durable and will save the environment from future waste while saving your family a ton of money!
There are loads to choose from on Amazon. Here are my favorites! I usually like white everything, but white cloth napkins get dirty too easily. Plus, I have white dishes so these are a nice contrast!
7. Get a Library Card
Reading is one of the best things you can do to improve your knowledge.
I believe a well-rounded person should constantly be learning and have a thirst for knowledge. Therefore, I like to challenge myself to read at least 10 pages of a book per day. I bring my book on my morning walk warm-up before my workout to get me centered and focused. Plus, then I make sure to get my 10 pages in before my day gets super busy!
You can still get a free library card where you can check out books instead of purchasing them! This will save you money and eliminate additional waste!
Try looking for these books at your local library to channel your inner boss babe: 6 GIRL BOSS Books That Will Change Your Life
8. Replace Your Air Filter
This is one of those crucial eco-friendly ways to save money that flies under the radar.
The air filter on your HVAC should be replaced every couple of months.
I'd venture to guess that the majority of us do it once a year, or never.
However, changing out your air filter will allow your HVAC system to operate most efficiently, saving energy and money!
You can get air filters from any Lowes or Home Depot for a couple dollars. It's worth it to save on energy cost! Plus, then you won't be breathing in dust particles!
9. Stop Using Dryer Sheets and Fabric Softener
Both of these products sure can make clothes feel softer, but the costs add up and they aren't good for our planet due to the chemicals and additional waste.
To reduce your carbon footprint, invest in dryer balls instead!
A dryer ball is just a little ball (size of a tennis ball) made of wool that can be reused time and time again in your dryer. It doesn't have chemicals and will do the trick of eliminating static while making your clothes soft! These eco-friendly dryer balls will last for thousands of loads and will save you money while helping our planet!
10. Dry Your Clothes on a Clothing Line
This eco-friendly hack will save you money by not using your dryer. If you're looking to save extra dollars, eliminate drying expenses by drying your clothes on a clothing line.
In fact, swapping out your washer and dryer for more efficient ones will also save you cost down the line. I recently switched out my washer/dryer to energy efficient ones that use less water. I needed new ones anyways, but I'm happy that I can do my part for the environment while saving additional money!
Tip: A front load washer will use a lot less water than a top load washer. A front load dryer will need less heat and have less drying time as well due to the tumble of the clothing.
11. Get Reusable Straws
I don't know about you, but I LOVE drinking through straws. It's just a better experience for me, as weird as that sounds.
I try to drink at least 120 ounces of water a day (as that's the recommended amount). I can drink far more water when I drink it through a straw. Therefore, I have about 20 reusable straws at home that I use every single day, multiple times a day.
I also have travel straws I keep in my purse that I can use at restaurants since they look at me like I'm a terrorist if I ask for a straw these days. Can any of you relate?
I love sea turtles, but I also love straws. Therefore, I bring my own to do my part in helping the world. Below are the ones I use.
Home Use:
Travel Use:
12. Cook at Home
One of the best eco friendly ways to save money is to cook your meals at home.
We all know that cooking at home is a lot more cost effective than eating out.
However, did you know that eating out also uses a lot of additional waste in the process to get food on your plate? The amount of packaging, shipping, and containers that the ingredients go through actually produce a lot of additional waste for the environment.
Eating at home will help you save hundreds more per month! I invested in these awesome meal prep tupperware and I'm quite obsessed with them. When I make a meal, I'll make a lot of it and then pre-portion my meals for the week.
This helps me to eat healthy, while saving money, AND helping the environment. The TRIFECTA!
13. Sell Your Stuff or Take it To the Thrift Store Instead of Trashing It
Another under-rate eco-friendly way to save money that is so easy to do and extremely beneficial to you!
When you have stuff you want to get rid of (clothing, kitchen items, children's toys, sports equipment, or literally anything), sell it or take it to the thrift store (Goodwill, Church, Salvation Army, etc) for a tax write off.
Whatever you do, DON'T THROW it out.
You can easily sell your items to make some extra cash. For larger items, I use Craigslist. For smaller items, I use eBay.
I've used eBay for 15+ years and make about $500 a month doing so as an extra side hustle that I just do for fun. You can visit these articles to learn more about selling on eBay quickly and efficiently. (I don't just sell my own items.)
- Selling on EBay Will Make You the Highest Profit: 17 Reasons You’ll Make More Money
- Poshmark vs EBay: Which Makes You the Most Money?
- What to Sell on eBay: Make an Easy $500 a Month
- How to Make Money on eBay: 26 Tips to Maximize Your Profit
You can also bring your items to a thrift store! They sell those items to others so you're helping others can lowest cost items. It will make you feel good and it's a tax write off so save those receipts!
If all else fails, post it on Craigslist for FREE. You'd be surprised what people will take for free. They'll take anything.
Your trash is their treasure and then it won't end up in a landfill. Win-win!
14. Get Energy Saving Lightbulbs
I'm sure you've heard this one before, but may not have paid much attention to it.
Getting energy saving lightbulbs will actually help you save quite a bit of money in energy costs each year. You can get them at Lowe's, Home Depot, and even Costco for the most cost effective BULK option.
15. Get a SMART Thermostat
This is actually a much bigger one than I realized. I got a NEST a few years ago because they were on major sale with rebates.

Tip: Check to see if your state offers a rebate on smart thermostats. California was offering a $75 instant rebate on NEST Thermostats so I waited until they were on sale and then used a coupon with the $75 rebate. I ended up getting the NEST for $40. Crazy, right!? I'm a good bargain hunter.
Anyways, after installing it (which takes like 5 minutes), I realized it actually does so much more! There's a reason the state offers rebates on it.
It actually makes your home more energy efficient by turning on the AC/Heat at efficient times during the day to make sure your home is always at the temperature you prefer, but at the most cost effective (and energy efficient) times.
This saves you a great amount of money, without compromising your temperature at home! It's actually quite amazing and an excellent eco-friendly way to save money!
This is the NEST Thermostat I got, but you can probably find it cheapest at Lowe's.
Tip: Go on eBay and buy a 10% off coupon for Lowe's and use it for your new thermostat! If your state offers a rebate, you can use the coupon AND get the rebate.
This brings me to my next point…
16. Only Turn on AC/Heat When Needed
If you don't have a SMART thermostat or don't use the energy efficient features, monitor your electricity spend by only turning on AC/Heat when you need it.
I know so many people that just always keep their thermostat at a certain level. I always find that to be so interesting because it's a waste of energy when you aren't home or don't need it on.
In addition, there are many areas of the home that don't need to be warmed up or cooled down if no one is using those rooms.
Instead, buy some cheap space heaters and fans for “popular” areas of the home (office, living room, and bedrooms).
There's no need to heat or cool the entire home if everyone is hanging out in the living room. Just turn on the items you need when you're in that room.
I use this space heater from Amazon.
17. Stop JUNK Mail
I don't know about you, but I used to receive a MASSIVE amount of junk mail each week in the mailbox.
It was such a terrible feeling to throw out piles of paper every week that I didn't read (coupons mostly).
I found out you can unsubscribe from those mailers. Just look for the company name and go online to remove your address.
Save yourself the trouble of having to throw them out, the money from the enticing offers in them, and help save the environment by saving paper! Another TRIFECTA tip!
18. Make Coffee at Home
Did anyone else notice what happened when we got rid of disposable straws?
The lids on coffee and to-go drinks grew about double in size to create a sippy cup lid. What does this mean? They got rid of straws, but are now using 2-3x as much plastic on the lids, which is much more plastic than the straws!!!
Therefore, not only do I not get the pleasant experience of drinking through a straw, we are now using more plastic, which was the reason they banned straws in the first place!
Ya'll, this is just no good.
Make your coffee at home with a coffee maker. It's so much cheaper and saves the environment from so much extra plastic. It's a gold mine if you're looking for an eco-friendly way to save money.
I promise, once you start doing it, you won't go back. $5 a day for a coffee may not sound bad, but it does add up over time.
In fact, if you really are spending $5 on coffee each day, over just a year, you are spending $1,825.
Is that bad? No. Not at all. It just means that it is a priority for you and that's perfectly okay. Life is meant to be enjoyed. However, in 5 years, would you rather have an extra $9,125 in your bank account (actually much more with compound interest) while drinking coffee at home or would you like your to-go coffee each day? Life is all about choices. None of them are wrong. You make the choices that are best for you!
This brings me to my next point.
19. Avoid Disposable Coffee Pods
These K-cup pod coffee makers are actually one of the worst plastic offenders on our entire planet today.
In fact, the K-cup creator even says “I feel bad sometimes that I ever did it” due to the amount of plastic waste the K-cups create. These pods produce so much waste that Mother Jones estimates that the empty K-Cups would wrap the earth 10 times over.
However, you can avoid the plastic waste and still used our beloved coffee maker by getting reusable coffee pods for your coffee maker. These will save a great amount of cost because you'll buy ground coffee to pour into your reusable coffee pods.
We have the ones below and would never go back to plastic pods because we actually have so many more flavor choices this way AND save money!

20. Buy Eco-Friendly Products
Eco-friendly products used to be more expensive, but now they're the save price as the normal products.
This tip isn't necessarily money-saving up front. However, you should aim to purchase eco-friendly cleaning, laundry, and soap products because they not only help the environment, they are better for your health.
Many of the chemicals we encounter on a daily basis from the items we use on our bodies and in our homes, we aren't sure what the long-term effects are yet. In fact, many of those products say right on them that they have carcinogens.
Look for green products that are made with natural ingredients to assist your overall health while helping the environment. Who knows what kind of health disaster you could be avoiding in the future!
This brand of products seems to have everything from soap to laundry detergent to cleaning products AND they are the normal prices of regular brands.
21. Wash Clothes in Cold Water
This is an easy tip to enact today.
Try washing your clothes in cold water in your washing machine. The clothes will get clean, but won't use energy to heat up the water.
This tip is an extremely eco-friendly way to save money that will also get the job done without comprising your current routine.
22. Check the Weather Stripping on Your Doors and Windows
Go through your home and make sure your doors and windows are sealed well with weather stripping.
This cheap material can be bought from any home improvement store, is easy to install, and will make a huge difference in your home/apartment.
The weather stripping prevents the outside air from coming in the home. It also keeps the AC/Heat from leaving the home.
23. Unplug Your Electronics When Not in Use
When visiting my home, you'll notice I never have any non-essential items plugged in. Ever. This is my secret eco-friendly way I save money.
I actually have always been that way since I was in college where I paid for everything on my own. I had no money and had to conserve every single penny.
You see, items are still pulling energy even if they aren't actively being used. Ever notice a light on your TV even though it's “off”? That's because it's still drawing energy. Same thing with all other products.
Therefore, nothing was ever plugged in that didn't need to be. I always unplug my beauty tools right after using them, the toaster and coffee maker, the washer/dryer, the space heaters/fans, the vacuum, etc.
Plus, it'll help prevent any fires from occurring!
Just make this a habit in your home. It's easy to do and those items don't need to be plugged in. Save money and energy at the same time.
24. Buy Used Items
This is a FANTASTIC way to save money! Other people are looking to get rid of their items and they're willing to sell them for cheap.
I buy tons of items on eBay. In fact, I often buy brand new items at discounted prices! I get a lot of designer clothing on eBay because who wants to pay $125 for Lululemon leggings? Not this girl!
Other girls (just like me) have items in their closet with tags still so they post them on eBay at a heavy discount and I swoop them up.
I also go on Craigslist and Offer Up for larger items. I got my gym-grade industrial treadmill for $200 and then resold it 9 months later for $800.
Tip: Buying used items is also a great way to make extra money! My eBay article describes how I buy items and resell them for more all as a side hustle in just a few minutes a month.
25. Grow Your Own Food
Plant a garden and grow your own vegetables to save loads of money!

If you live in an apartment with a balcony, use a planter like this one to plant your own little herb garden. I love mine and use it daily!
Talk about a great way to go green with this eco-friendly way to save money!
I can't wait to have a garden of my own someday with every fruit and vegetable imaginable!
26. Use Rechargeable Batteries
I actually can't believe this one isn't more prevalent among Americans.
Buy rechargeable batteries to use over and over instead of buying batteries time and time again. This one is a no brainer!
27. Carpool
Carpooling is a fantastic way to reduce our footprint on earth.
Plus, you'll save money on gas and the wear and tear on your car by only having to drive a portion of the time.
If you can't get a carpool, take a bike to work when possible!
28. Get Rid of Makeup Wipes
They say that makeup wipes are actually bad for your skin due to the chemicals in them.
Either way, they do produce a lot of waste. Plus, they're expensive!
Try this eco-friendly tip to save money by using a removable makeup wipe like the one below. It really is magic!
29. Go Paperless
Ya'll, this one is obvious! Going paperless will eliminate the piles of mail that build up, lessening your stress.
In addition, having less paper printed will assist our planet AND many companies give you a discount for going paperless since they save the cost of paper, ink and stamps!
30. Get Reusable Storage Bags
Ok, I guess I lied about the bag thing, but these are a different type of bag. Americans love bags. We have bags for everything, clearly.
I LOVE storage bags. LOVE. I used them so much.
However, disposable storage bags are a huge waste of plastic. Those just go straight into landfills.
Instead opt for the reusable ones! They'll last a lifetime and their super easy to use and clean!
31. Ditch Parchment Paper
I actually ditched parchment paper the day it caught fire in my oven. My eyes were fearful that my house was going to catch fire. In the trash they went.
I researched other options and found the beloved baking mat! These are the BEST! They replace parchment paper, save you money, and eliminate the paper waste!
32. Clothes Drying Rack
By drying your clothes on a drying rack instead of in the dryer, you'll save on electricity and gas (if you have a gas dryer).
Dryers use a lot of energy to run.
Best Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money
There you have it! I hope you found these helpful and found some tips to start enacting in your daily life!
If you have other ideas or started any of these tips, let me know in the comments below! I'd love to hear!
Cheers to making the planet a greener place and saving money while we do it!
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To start paying down your debt and saving money, feel free to download our free 11 page expense budget binder!

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