Set the year off on the right track with this New Year's Resolution checklist that will help you visualize your goals to keep you motivated.

Starting the year off on the right track has been proven to be a larger motivator than starting any other time of year and I couldn't agree more!
I am a HUGE new year's resolution girl. In fact, I look forward to the new year every year because I feel like it's my chance for a fresh slate.
I absolutely love setting new goals and challenging myself to be the best version of myself I can be.
In this post, you'll download your own free New Year's resolution checklist and get a bonus goal achievement binder so that you can track your accomplishments each year!
This post is all about setting new year's resolutions and creating a goal achievement binder.
New Year's Resolution Checklist
I am such a HUGE new year's resolution girl! (Who's with me?)
I love visually seeing my goals and working toward achieving them!
Therefore, I created this checklist so that I can keep my resolutions in my personal finance organizer to reflect back on throughout the year.
When you can visually see your goals, you're more likely to achieve them!
Related Articles about Personal Development:
- Want to Achieve Your Goals? Why Writing Them Down Will Make You More Likely
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In fact, Forbes found that one of the biggest reasons people don't achieve their new year's resolutions is because they aren't structured to accomplish them. Writing them down will help with that structure.
Common New Year's Resolutions Ideas
Looking for ideas on possible new year's resolutions you can accomplish?
Here's a great list of common things people choose for their new year's resolution checklists.
- Start Investing- Here's my investing guide for beginners!
- Excerise more
- Get a new job- Use my resume template for proven success!
- Learn a new skill
- Make more money- Here are my favorite ways to make more money!
- Clean more and stick to a schedule
- Budget money- Use my free budget binder to accomplish this!
- Eat healthier
- Start a blog- Here's by step by step tutorial on how to start a blog.
- Lose weight
- Get smarter about finances- Start by freezing your credit!
- Take a break from social media
- Read books- See my favorite finance books, the best career books, and the ultimate boss babe books for this year!
- Learn a language
- Save more money in the bank- Start by getting a high yield savings account!
- Read the bible
- Learn how to make money work for you- Learn proven steps from Rich Dad Poor Dad.
- Go to church
- Earn passive income- Here's a great idea for passive income!
- Pray every day
- Improve your financial literacy- Here's a definition guide and a list of tools you should know!
- Drink more water
- Find ways to save more money- Here are some great ways to save money!
- Do something nice for others each week
- Negotiate a raise at work- Here are my proven steps to negotiate your salary!
- Get organized
- Get out of debt- Use my debt payoff method and trackers to accomplish this!
- Clean out closets
- Buy a home- Here are my first time home buying guides!
- Walk more
Whew, that was a good list! Hopefully you found a few things to challenge yourself to this year!
New Year's Resolution Checklist Printable (Free Download)
Now that you have some great ideas, it's time to download your new year's resolution checklist!
After you download your checklist and start writing down your goals, you'll notice there's also a goal achievement binder included. Let's discuss.
Goal Achievement Binder
A new year's resolution checklist is not complete without actually reflecting on goals that you've accomplished, right?
Let me explain.
Every year at New Year's time frame, I like to reflect on my entire year.
I write down everything I accomplished that year or anything I did that was memorable.
Examples of Achievements or Memories:
- Getting a new job
- Any awards won
- Any certifications
- Schooling completed
- New skills learned
- New languages learned
- Books read
- Pounds lost
- Life events (getting married, children, moving, etc)
- Trips taken
- Races completed (marathons, 5ks, etc)
- Money made
- Businesses started
- New pets
- Buying a house
By listing my achievements out each year, I'm able to look back on all of my memories over the years.
It's great to have something tangible so you can remember all of the amazing things you've done!
This is something my mom started when I was young. It is such a fun family memory to go around the room and share all of your accomplishments for the year with everyone.
I plan to continue the tradition with my future children!
Things to Get for Your Achievement Binder
To put together your goals binder, I recommend the following items!
You can pair these goals with your personal finance organizer and keep the goals in a tab on their own.
1.) First, print out all pages of the achievement binder so that you're ready to go! This is the printer I use to print out my printables. I absolutely love how chic and feminine it is (since printers can be so bulky and such an eyesore)!
2.) If you'd like to put all of the pages into a well-organized binder for easy reference, I'd recommend these feminine binders from Amazon. This way, you can access it easily each year!
3.) I also recommend getting dividers for your binder!
You are all ready to go!! Feel free to tag me on Instagram @financialcookbook with your new binder! I love to see them!
Goal Achievement Binder Download (Free Printable)
Ready to start logging all of your amazing achievements?
Download your free goal achievement binder below!
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