Looking to make extra money as a side hustle? Here's EXACTLY how to make money on eBay as a beginner seller.
Ebay is the quickest way to make extra cash. In fact, you can make money today if you apply yourself!
I've been making $500 a month on eBay since I was 15 years old as a side hustle. It only takes me a few minutes to do each month and I love making an extra $500-$1000 a month with hardly any effort.
Since I've been selling for over 16 years, I have gotten eBay selling down to a T. Therefore, I've put together my 26 essential tips on how to make money on eBay so that you can create a thriving side hustle.
My tips and tricks are unique so don't be surprised if you'll find things you've never heard before. 16 years will teach a person quite a bit of information!
Let's dive into how to make money on eBay as a beginner in 2023!
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Can you Make Good Money on eBay?
Absolutely! However, the money you make will be a direct reflection of the amount of time you put in.
If you apply yourself, research good products, and post marketable listings, you are absolutely sure to make good money on eBay.
If you follow my 26 tips in this article, you are sure to find a great side hustle selling items on eBay.
Can you Make $1,000 a Month Selling on eBay?
People make tens of thousands of dollars selling on eBay. In fact, I actually know people whose only job is selling items on eBay.
Therefore, it's totally possible to make $1,000 on eBay.
I've actually had many months where I made $1,000 as a side hustle.
Apply yourself and you will seek the rewards!
What Sells Fast on eBay?
There are many items that can sell fast on eBay. In fact, I have an entire post related to things that sell fast for me.
Some of my favorites are:
- coupons
- designer brands
- skincare and makeup (sealed)
- Lululemon gym clothing
- giftcards
My 26 tips below will help you sell items quickly and maximize your profit as an eBay seller.
Let's jump in!

Item Pricing Tips to Make More Money on eBay
1.) Use Odd Numbers in Your Listing Price
My next trick is using odd numbers for EVERYTHING.
You'll notice in my example above on the shipping charges that all of my numbers are odd numbers. This is on purpose.
It has been proven that buyers perceive odd numbers as a pre-calculated break-even point for the seller.
For example, when you see something listed for $20, do you think the seller took the time to figure out the cost of the item, plus shipping, plus eBay fees, plus the profit they'd like to determine the price to charge? No. They came up with a random number in their head that “sounded good” and set it as the sales price.
As a buyer, you feel like they'd be ready to negotiate since they clearly didn't put much thought into their $20 number.
Now, if the seller had put $19.65 or $19.83, you'd subconsciously think that there's a reason for those precise numbers. You'd believe that the seller did calculations to come up with that exact price to charge that would make sense for their business.
As a buyer, you'd be less likely to negotiate, thinking they'd crunched numbers to arrive carefully at that number.
The moral of the story is always to use odd numbers…in your list prices, in your offers, in your Buy It Now prices, and in your shipping fees.
2.) Use .97, .95 or .89 Cents in Listing Prices
This trick means that instead of $12, you should do $11.95 or $11.97, or $11.89.
It not only uses the odd numbers rule I discussed above but also takes advantage of the cents. This rule is important for 2 reasons:
At $11.89, the buyer is likely to see the item as costing $11 instead of $12. In their head, because they see the $11, they'll often think $11.
The other reason is that you want to be the first item that comes up in a search.
For example, if a buyer searches for the item you listed and then selects “sort by lowest price”, you want to make sure that your item is below the other seller's items for $12.
At $11.89, you're getting almost $12, but your item is going to be listed before the other $12 items and it uses the odd numbers rule so you have a better chance at making the sale.
This brings me to my next trick…
3.) Research Your Competitors' Pricing and Charge a Few Cents Less
This is one of my favorite tricks!
One of the first things I do when I post a new item is check to see what it's already listed for on eBay.
Why? I do this because it doesn't matter what you want to sell it for. What matters is what someone will pay for it.
You want to research what the other sellers are charging for the same or similar item for a few reasons.
The first reason you'll want to do this is to know the approximate price to sell your item for. The other reason is that you want to price your item below the others.
If someone does a search for “Kate Sommerville Exfolikate”, they will most likely sort by the lowest price.
If the lowest price of the same item is currently $27, you want to price yours at $26.89. A buyer doesn't care if they're only saving 10 cents. They just want the cheapest item.
I can almost guarantee you'll get the sale before your competitors. I once sold 20 items of one product in a week because I priced it a penny lower than all of the competitors.
It works. Trust me.
4.) Put the Retail Price in the Description (or the reason it's higher than retail)
I love this tip! Always put the retail price of the item in your description. I often say something like:
Selling for $29.89. Retails for $46.
You want to remind the buyer that they're getting a great deal.
If you're selling the item for MORE than the normal retail price, remind the buyer why it warrants the higher price. Things like “collector's item” or “no longer sold” or “last one” or “hard to find” are great in the description and perfect to add to your title!
5.) Always Do “Buy it Now” or “Buy it Now and Auction”
I highly recommend always having Buy It Now options in your listings.
In fact, even if you want to do an eBay auction, always make sure to have Buy It Now as an option.
Buyers often want things they can purchase right away. They often don't want to wait or they forget, or accidentally miss the window of opportunity to bid on the item.
You can set your pricing for everything so you might as well set a “Buy It Now” price for an ideal (or even wishful) price you'd like to get. This way, if a buyer really wants it and doesn't want to wait for the auction, they can buy it right away (for likely way more than the auction will land at anyway). It's a win/win for you!
Item Listing Tips to Make More Money on eBay
6.) Offer 30 Day Returns
Offering returns to your buyers gives them trust when buying the product.
It gives them peace of mind knowing that if something is wrong with the item, you will take care of them.
Let's be honest, we all like purchasing from places where returns are easy.
If I can't return an item, I steer clear of it. I don't want to deal with the hassle if I don't like it. (This is why we all love Amazon and Nordstrom. Am I right, ladies?!)
In other words, buyers will be put off by your listing if they don't trust that you're a good seller giving them peace of mind and standing by your product.
Plus, 9 times out of 10, they will not return it anyways so it's really no big deal.
7.) Fill in All Fields
Make sure you fill in all fields of your listing. Research the item online, get dimensions, and a summary.
In fact, the more details you put in your listing, the more chance a buyer will be able to find you.
For example, if a buyer types in “light pink dress size small” and your listing is for a “pink dress 2”, your listing won't show up in their search results. If you described your item as light pink in the description and fields and then also said that it is similar to a size small, it would have showed up in the search results.
Be as descriptive as possible, especially with the drop-down columns.
For example, buyers will choose “blue” in their filter criteria and if yours doesn't have “blue” selected from the drop-down field, it definitely won't show up.
8.) Add in Item Number/SKU
If you have the SKU/Item Number, definitely add it to your listing!!
Often, buyers know exactly what they want and will just search for the SKU or Item number. If you don't have it in your listing, your item won't show up in their search results.
9.) Add the Item Condition in the Title
In the listing title, make sure to put the condition of the item/description of the item by using one of the abbreviations above.
EUC= Excellent Used Condition
GUC= Good Used Condition
NWT= New with Tags
NWOT=New without Tags
Buyers like to have a summary of the condition of the item right in the title so that they don't have to spend time reading through the description.
If there's a flaw in the item, call it out in the title. The buyer doesn't want surprises later so call out the flaws now before they buy.
10.) Keep Your Listing Title Simple
Make it simple, easy, and descriptive.
I've found that buyers are looking for 5 things: Brand, color, type of item, condition, and size. Therefore, list your items with only those things (for the most part). For example, I will list “Michael Kors Black Dress NWT Size Small”.
In fact, buyers are looking for those 5 specifics when looking for an item so keep it simple and short.
No exclamation points. No “buy it now”. Make it easy to read and short.
11.) Include at LEAST 3 Pictures (5 is ideal) and TAKE GOOD PICTURES
Customers like to know EXACTLY what they are buying. Include as many pictures as possible, but aim for at least 3 and if possible, 5. The more, the better! I've noticed when I have at least 3, I get faster, easier sales for more money. Take pictures of everything, including tags, flaws, front, back, etc.
Also, TAKE GOOD PICTURES!!! I always think this is an obvious one, but I've seen thousands of terrible ebay pictures.
Put your item in good lighting, with a neutral backdrop. I like to lay my item on a white bedspread or a marble counter or a hardwood floor, etc. Just make sure the background is one color.
If you need to, brighten up the pictures in a phone app. You want them bright and catchy. If they don't catch your eye, they sure as heck won't catch the buyers. You can brighten your photos in a free app called Lightroom.
Shipping Tips to Make Money on eBay
12.) Change Your Shipping Strategy Based on the Item Cost
Should you charge a fee for shipping?
Should you offer free shipping, but increase the price of an item to cover your shipping cost?
Great questions!
For me, it depends on the item. It's a marketing strategy. I do both, but for different items.
I charge shipping for high cost items and offer “free shipping” for low cost items.
It makes no difference to you cost-wise because you will be charged the eBay % fee on the total amount (item plus shipping). This is about marketing your item to attract the highest-quality buyer.
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Free shipping is great because the buyer only has to focus on the cost of the item. I use free shipping for my smaller, lower-cost items.
I'd say anything under $20-$30, I will offer free shipping. It's easier for everyone, including myself.
Charging for shipping should be a tactic used for more expensive items. (Side note: Almost all of my items can be shipped for $3-5 so I make sure to always charge enough for a profit and shipping cost.) Therefore, any additional amount I make via shipping charges goes straight into my pocket.
I typically will put a $7.35 rate for items $30-$50 and a $12.23 shipping rate for items over $50.
In these instances, the buyer will see the $7.35 and automatically think $7 in their head. They'll quickly verify in their head that $7 would be the normal cost of shipping and hopefully go forward with their order.
For the higher-end items, buyers that see the $12.23 shipping rate for an item over $50 will usually think $10 in their head.
It's all about perception and marketing.
If I have a $70 item with $12.23 shipping, I'll be getting $82.23, but the buyer will feel like they are purchasing a $70 item with the cost of shipping that can't be avoided.
At the most, they'll subconsciously round down to $80. Meanwhile, you're selling them an item at $82.23 and your actual cost for shipping is $3-$5 so you profit some extra cash.
Rounding is key when selling online. You want buyers to “round down” in their head subconsciously.
Every extra dollar you make adds up over time.
13.) Offer 1-2 Day Handling
Customers want their items quickly so try to offer 1-2 day handling on all of your items.
This is no skin off your back because you'll likely get it out that quickly anyways.
If you're out of town when a sale comes through, just send them a quick message telling them when you can ship it. The buyers are always really nice about it and will tell me it's no problem at all.
They don't want to wait 4-5 days before the item is shipped and you'll risk sales if your handling time is too long.
This brings me to my next tip.
14.) Ship Quickly
This goes hand in hand with the reasoning behind number 9. Buyers don't want to wait for their items. They're excited to get it. That's why they bought it.
Choose the lowest cost shipping service that will ship the quickest.
Get their item to them quickly so they can start enjoying it!
15.) Confirm the Shipping with the Buyer
Right after I ship the product, I'll send my buyer a message typically saying something like this:
Thank you so much for your purchase of XYZ! I just wanted to let you know I've shipped your item! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much again and have a wonderful day! =)
This gives a personal experience for the buyer.
In addition, it gives you a better likelihood of getting a positive review from the buyer. They're more likely to review you and you want as many reviews as possible to gain trust in the buying community!
16. ) Make Your Shipment Aesthetically Pleasing
Buyers like to open something that feels like a present.
If you're shipping clothing or a small item, wrap the item in cute tissue paper. On the contrary, if you're shipping something larger, write a kind note! Give it a personal touch.
Also, make sure your item is shipped in decent packaging. Don't reuse the same packaging from other packages over and over.
The buyer wants to get an item they feel like is clean and well taken care of.
17.) Yes to the Global Shipping Program
I always choose to participate in the Ebay Global Shipping Program.
This is a no-brainer tip for how to make money on eBay as this will open your listing up to international buyers!
It makes no difference to you. You will get the same amount of money for your listing.
The Global Shipping Program just means that your item will go to Ebay's warehouse when it's sold and they will send it to the international buyer.
Therefore, it doesn't matter to you either way because you are shipping the item to somewhere in the USA.
Marketing Tips to Sell Items Fast on eBay
18.) Promote Your Item
If you go to your seller dashboard, you can likely click on an item's info and it will ask you if you want to promote your item.
I typically like to promote my items and the best part about this feature is that you choose the price you want to pay AND you only pay if someone purchases your item through that ad.
It's a win-win because if you only want to pay 1% for the ad, then eBay will post your ad accordingly.
However, you won't pay the 1% unless someone buys your item through that ad.
I see it as a no-brainer because even if someone does buy it through the ad and you have to pay 1%, most likely, that buyer wouldn't have bought your item anyways.
They saw your item advertised and were compelled to buy it. You get the sale for an item you wouldn't have sold to that same buyer. It makes sense.
Related: How I Make $500 A Month on Ebay
19.) Send Offers to Buyers
When you go to your seller dashboard, you may sometimes see an option to send offers to watchers.
Watchers are people that have favorited your item and are an active audience interested in your item. This audience is GOLD to you.
By using this eBay feature to send a personalized offer to your watchers, only they will get the deal.
They have 24 hours to act on the deal so it gives a sense of urgency to the buyer.
Oftentimes, they'll take the deal and you make a sale!
Seller Tips to Make More Money on eBay
20.) Increase Your Review Rating by Buying Things on eBay
Having a high review rating as a seller will help you sell more items. All buyers want to buy from reputable sellers.
Did you know you can increase your positive reviews and number of reviews by just buying items on eBay? It doesn't have to just be through selling.
This is a key tip to drive more reviews, build more trust with buyers, and ultimately make more money on eBay.
To get your reviews higher and build more trust for prospective buyers, make a point to buy things on Ebay (and hope that the seller will give you a good review).
I had a friend that needed 35 reviews on eBay so that she could sell designer items as a trusted seller (I believe that rule has now changed). I advised her to start buying her everyday items, gifts, etc.
We got her reviews up in no time!
Buying and selling reviews count toward the same review bucket in the eyes of eBay.
21.) Always Call Out ALL FLAWS
Calling out flaws in the title AND description will build trust with the buyer because you are honest in the products you are giving them and it will help avoid any unhappy customers.
Unhappy customers= returns, extra shipping charges, no return business, bad reviews for you, and possible distrust from eBay which could end up resulting in them deactivating your accounts (aka a lose-lose situation).
Let's keep customers happy from the beginning by calling out all flaws, discoloration, scratches, broken parts, etc in both the title and description.
In my title, I'll often put “w/ FLAWS” so that they know to read the description.
Include pictures of the flaws as well.
I often take this one step further and if I know there are flaws in the item, I often message the buyer and have them confirm that they know it has flaws. This way they aren't surprised when the item arrives (even if you already have it in the listing. Sometimes buyers miss this. I know from experience.)
Sometimes the flaws aren't even something anyone would care about. I've bought designer dresses before that the seller said had flaws, but I didn't see any in the picture. I emailed them to inquire about the flaws and they said they always write “flaws” in their descriptions just in case there is one they missed. I bought the dresses and they ended up being in perfect mint condition with no flaws so now I fully trust that seller and highly recommend them.
22.) Respond Quickly to All Customer Questions
The buyer wants to know that you are active and are going to respond quickly so make sure you answer their questions within 24 hours or sooner.
If you don't, they will most likely move on to a different product or think that you won't provide quick shipping or quick service if something is wrong with the item. They don't want to have a bad feeling going into the transaction.
The eBay app will notify you via a notification that you have a message.
23.) Download the eBay App
You guys. I kid you not. Total lifesaver. This app is amazing.
In fact, I use it every single day!
The app is set up to notify me anytime a buyer buys an item, makes an offer on an item, or messages me. In addition, I am able to handle my entire eBay business straight from the app with just a few clicks.
The best part is, I spend literally no time doing this side hustle and I love it. It's fun to get a notification that I just sold something.
I also set up “saved searches” for the products I'm looking for. It will notify me when a product I'm looking for (for myself) gets posted for sale.
24.) Check Your Listings Every Now and Then
Check your listings here and there to consider dropping a price for something that isn't selling, etc. Sometimes you may want to raise the price and then be able to send offers to buyers.
You also may want to relist it all together to get new eyes on it. Either way, take a look at them and make sure everything looks good. Do your pictures appeal to you? If not, change them up or brighten them up in a phone app!
25.) List the “Home” Condition of Your Item
Tell the buyer what kind of condition you're keeping it in. This is different from the condition I mentioned earlier. For example, you may want to say:
Item comes from a smoke-free home OR Item comes from a pet-free home OR Item comes from a smell-free home OR Item has been well taken care of
Reassure the buyer that they're getting a great item they can be confident in.
26.) Check your SHIPPING Charges in the LIVE listing OR do FLAT RATE shipping!
Do not ignore this one.
This is probably the most important trick out of the entire list.
I can't tell you the number of times I had selected USPS shipping but forgot to change the weight or dimensions and ended up finding out months later my listing was charging people $40 for shipping.
I've had this happen so many times because I forget to change it or the customer enters their zip code and it's just high for that particular shipping service for whatever reason.
This is the NUMBER ONE killer of ebay deals. A great $15 item is now $50 for the buyer due to a crazy, accidental $35 shipping charge.
This is why I like to ALWAYS do flat shipping charges instead of the buyer entering their zip code. Since I have it set up to only sell in the US or via the eBay global program, I know it's going somewhere in the US only. I also try to only sell products that weigh under 2 lbs so I know approximately how much it will cost me no matter what state it goes to in the US. Therefore, I like to do a flat shipping cost that I designate (using the rules I mention in my other tips) so that I know my listings always look appealing to the buyer.
Selling on eBay Summary
Well, there we have it!
I've been selling on eBay for 16 years now so I've learned quite a bit along the way! I hope the things I've learned from my mistakes will help you with your eBay side hustle!
Let me know if you made it this far and if you have an eBay site you want me and my readers to check out, place it in the comments below or on our Free Community for Women Club! This is a safe forum for all my readers to support each other in our paths to success! =)
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