Looking for the best girl boss books to read to get motivation in careers, life, and finances? I've put together a list of the top girl boss books that will change your life.

I absolutely love self help books that teach me about excelling in my career, finances, relationships, friendships, real estate, etc! The list could go on and on!
I believe reading is extremely important for success in life (self help, non fiction, and fiction). I like a good combination of all of them!
However, self help books, in particular, are essentially bibles to someone else's success. WHY WOULDN'T WE READ THAT!?
Authors publish books based on something they've succeeded at in life or figured out better than the rest of the world. So much so that they took months (or years) to write a book and share their secrets.
I guarantee you will learn something from every single book you read. I always do! Even if it wasn't my favorite, I always gain valuable information that I take with me on my journey through life.
Women's Book Club and Challenge
In fact, I believe reading is such a huge key to success, I'm challenging myself to read 20 books this year.
Not so fast! You know where I'm going with this…Now, I'm going to challenge you!
If you'd like, you can join me and a community of women in our free Women's Book Club to keep each other accountable and read the books together! We find it makes it even more enjoyable when we can bounce ideas off each other! We have one book each month to read together.
In the book club, we discuss topics of the book and lessons we learned from it. I then compile all of the great points from everyone so that we can continue to reference them on our journeys!
Since we will only reach 12 books together, you'll want to read some of your own books (fiction or non fiction) to reach our goal of 20! In fact, when you finish one, post in it the comments below or in our Community of Women so we can celebrate you!!
Okay, let's dive in to the top GIRL BOSS books you MUST READ to channel the amazing woman you are!!
Top Girl Boss Books You Must Read
The books in this list are actual books that have helped me in my career.
I've worked for four Fortune 100 Companies and gotten job offers from two Fortune 10 Companies.
The best part is, I declined the job offers from the Fortune 10 Companies because they weren't offering enough money for my value. I felt very confident in doing so because I understood my worth and stood up for what I wanted.
In fact, I believe some of the best strategies, confidence boosts, and fearlessness came from these books!
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Best Book for Personal Finance/Making Money: Secrets of Six-Figure Women
“Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life” by Barbara Stanny is a book that will give you the tools you need to earn that six figure income and become a self made millionaire.
In this book, Barbara discusses the 7 strategies and trends of high income-earning females. In fact, she teaches the tools we preach about here at the Financial Cookbook: how to increase your income, accomplish your career goals, and achieve financial freedom.
Want to earn six figures and get the tools to do so? This is the must read for you!
If there's only one book you get, this is the one ladies!
Trust me. You'll thank me later.
Best Book for Careers: Lean In
Sheryl Sandberg is known for this incredible book. “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead” is a must read for all women.
Let's just say there's a big reason it has almost 7,000 5 star reviews on Amazon alone! Sheryl is a #1 best selling author and the COO at Facebook. In addition, her TED talk has been watched over 6 million times.
If you need inspiration to climb the ladder in your career, this is the book for you.
Sheryl encourages women to “sit at the table”, not back down, and stand their ground when it comes to want they want and deserve in the workplace. She even takes it a step further by discussing steps that women can take to reach accomplishments in their professional careers.
This book helped me in my day job, a job where I work with 98% men. It gave me the confidence to speak up and not be afraid. In fact, the times I have taken it further and confronted men that were speaking down to me, I actually earned their respect and they not only treated me like gold going forward, we developed actual friendships! The advice from this book is absolutely so valuable!
Best Book for Raises and Promotions: How Women Rise
“How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job” by Sally Helgesen will transform the way you think about job promotions and raises in your career.
Want to uncover why the men are passing you up? How about why you don't feel you'd be best suited for the job compared to your male counterparts?
If you are looking to take the next step in your career, but need that extra push, this is the book for you! Women face different challenges than men in the workplace. Sally helps you maneuver through those obstacles to give you the courage to seek what you ultimately want in your career.
In fact, I'm going to give this one another read because I think I need a good push right now.
Best Book for Climbing the Corporate Ladder: Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office
In the book “Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers”, Lois P Frankel gets deep and uncovers the reasons we are the way we are, as women.
It's not our fault we have certain personality traits. We were taught them at a young age and it's not a bad thing. It's just not a good thing for the work place where competition is fierce.
This book is pure GOLD as Lois breaks down the habits we learned growing up and helps us understand how to combat those traits to succeed in the workplace.
In fact, my favorite part is that she gives 130 mistakes women make in the office that sabotage our careers. I can attest that she is dead on as I caught myself doing so many of them!
For example, #13 is one I always did, which is Avoiding Office Politics. Lois says that we are doing it wrong. Don't avoid office politics. Instead, join them. She says we've got to play the game.
Here are some of the additional good mistakes she will discuss in the book:
- #21: Multi-tasking
- #54: Not negotiating.
- #70: Going on social media and sharing too much.
- #82: Not being direct.
This book is such a game changer for climbing the corporate ladder!
Best for Confidence: Fear Is Just a Four-Letter Word
Tracy Tutor is the definition of a bad ass boss babe. In her book “Fear Is Just a Four-Letter Word: How to Develop the Unstoppable Confidence to Own Any Room”, she breaks down how to stop doubting yourself and grow your confidence.
If you've seen Million Dollar Listing on Bravo, you know Tracy is straight amazing. In fact, I'd encourage you to go watch a season and see her at work. She is unbelievable and someone I strive to be like.
She's decisive. She speaks her mind. She's fearless, honest, and not afraid to ask for what she wants. In fact, the best thing about her is that when she's given a “no”, she goes after it anyways and ends up getting what she wants.
She's relentless, but so classy.
Her book teaches you to follow her lead and command a room the way she does. It helped me to curb my nerves during large public speaking events and command the room.
This is a must have for every woman! I couldn't wait for her book to hit the shelves!
Now get her book, grab some wine and go watch her show to see her in action!
Best for the Female Entrepreneur: Girl Code
“Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur” by Cara Alwill Leyba is a cult favorite around the world!
That's right. Even Macy's and Kate Spade hired her to teach “the code” in their workplaces!
In fact, this book has been named one of the 9 most inspiring female entrepreneur books of all time!
“Girl Code” is all about women empowerment, uplifting each other, sharing wisdom, and encouraging each other. Essentially, the book talks about using our strengths as a whole to conquer the world together.
Want to know a little secret? This book actually inspired me to start this website you are currently on, The Financial Cookbook. That's what we do here. Give other women the tools to succeed in careers, finances, and overall life.
They always say empowered women empower other women. Let's be those kind of women. This book reminds us why it's important and tells us how to do it. This one also makes my list of must reads! It's a game changer!
I love this mentality of empowering each other as women. In fact, here at The Financial Cookbook, we have a free Community of Women doing just that…uplifting each other! Feel free to join us!
Tips from the Best Girl Boss Books
Isn't this list amazing!? Are you feeling inspired? I know I am!
There are some definite trends you'll start to pick up on when going through each one.
We are told time and time again that nice girls finish last. It's terrible to say, but they don't actually mean to not be a nice girl.
They're saying that we, as women, need to be decisive (something I still struggle with), confident, fearless, and speak our minds. We can do that right!?
We're on this journey together! Let's conquer our career goals and reach financial independence as a Girl Power Team! These girl boss books will help us get there!
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