Looking for some gorgeous feminine blog themes, but struggling to find one that you can envision with your information? Here's a list of beautiful, feminine wordpress themes you'll love and a review of 17th Ave Designs WordPress themes.
When I first started my website, I struggled for days looking at free themes in WordPress. I found that it was really hard to picture how it would look with my images, my logo, my color scheme, etc. Since I was such a newbie, I had no idea what I was doing. I started an account on Bluehost as my website host (and they still are! Highly recommend.)
For a full detailed tutorial on how to start a blog for beginners, go to my comprehensive How to Start a Blog Guide.
Jump to Recommended Best Feminine Blog Themes Below
Life Before My Current WordPress Theme
I tried 3 different themes and just couldn't get my site to look like the demo I saw. The theme required so many additional plug-ins, yet none of them created a website that looked like the demo. In fact, I even tried doing a demo import, but it left me disappointed and discouraged. I was so beyond frustrated.
After a few weeks of sleepless nights and lot of customer service help from BlueHost and WordPress, I actually got burnt out and gave up on blogging for a few months. =(
Don't be me! Learn from my mistakes.
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How I Found My WordPress Theme
Fast forward to my current theme.
I came across a few blogs that highly recommended 17th Avenue wordpress themes. They offer beautiful, classy and feminine wordpress themes. I loved the look of every single one, BUT they cost money. Woof.
I thought to myself, “I don't want to pay for a theme when there are so many free ones available.” (This is where my saving money gene bites me in the booty sometimes) I thought “I'm smart. I can figure it out without buying a theme.”
Who's with me? Maybe you're at that place right now! Well, listen up, girlfriend. This message is for you.
Ladies, here me when I say loudly: “YOUR TIME IS MONEY”!!!!
I reflected on the weeks I had spent wanting to pull my hair out from frustration. As a result, I had taken a hiatus for months and had given up on blogging before I even started.
So not worth repeating that cycle.
I noticed that 17th Avenue offered so many valuable things that would help me not just in setting up my website, but in my overall blogging journey.
Ultimately, I decided that saving weeks of my time was SO worth $50 so I bought my theme!!! I have honestly been more than impressed with everything else that has come along with my purchase that I didn't even know about. I'll dive into it below!
Benefits of 17th Avenue Feminine Blog Themes
Ladies, check out these benefits before deciding not to spend $50 on a wordpress theme. Trust me. I'm such a newbie, but you'll thank me later. =)
Blog Set Up in Minutes
Ya'll, the BIGGEST DEAL for me was that your website would look like the demo site within MINUTES. Minutes, ladies! Holy smokes!
They were right! I went with the Magnolia theme and within minutes of the upload, my site looked EXACTLY like their demo sites!
Why didn't I buy it sooner!!??
Now, all I had to do was start customizing the colors, images, widgets, text, etc (aka the fun stuff!). Therefore, of course I stayed up all night designing my site, uploading my logos, changing colors, etc.
It was SO MUCH FUN! I went to bed that night so excited because I had a GORGEOUS site that I was proud of. I was in love with it and so grateful!!
Best $50 EVER spent.
But wait, it gets better! I didn't even realize all of the additional valuable things I got with my purchase.
Access to Tutorials
The BEST PART is that they give you tutorials you how to do literally EVERYTHING.
17th Ave Designs has thousands of tutorials that are constantly updated.
In fact, the tutorials will teach website set up and literally anything you want to do to your site. I didn't even realize I would have access to this!
They have every step laid out in layman's terms. Being a newbie blogger, this is PURE GOLD for me. When I say it will tell you how to anything, I mean ANYTHING.
I reference it constantly and am a bit obsessed with how much I can learn from the tutorials. They've thought of everything, ladies!!
Their philosophy is that they “want you to fall head over in heels in love with your website”. I can certainly say I did!!
Super Easy to Use
Okay, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
I'm not very tech savvy so the fact that I've been able to design a website is purely incredible. Their uploads and tutorials make it so easy, anyone can do it!
The theme itself is very easy to navigate and very “logical”, if that makes sense. In other words, it's not too complicated which is a HUGE PLUS for me.
I find, if there's too much, I get overwhelmed so this theme is perfect for me! I wanted a beautiful website that has a lot of customization options that can be set up quickly.
Boom. Done. Mic drop.
However, if you don't want to deal with set up, you can have them set it up for you as well! They offer that service if you'd like!
Whether you choose one of these feminine blog themes or not, the important thing is that your theme is SEO-optimized.
All of the 17th Avenue feminine blog themes are SEO optimized!
That is EXTREMELY important for your blog so that your website can be found on Google more easily.
Designed for Mobile Devices
The 17th Ave themes are expertly coded to work perfectly on mobile devices. This is HUGE because a lot of your target market will be accessing your website on a cell phone. Having a theme that is coded for mobile is extremely important so that your users have a great experience on your site.
Customer Service
Ya'll, I can't say enough good things about their customer service and tech support!! Their customer service is absolutely top notch!
Actually, I had several questions upon set up that I couldn't figure out (because I'm a newbie) and they were able to get back to me within minutes! I was SO IMPRESSED!!!
In fact, they even got an admin login for my site (with my permission) and logged into my site to fix some things for me. I swear, I've asked for help about 20 times and every time, they were so nice to me!
In addition, I've asked about doing things on my site that they didn't have a tutorial for so they made one just for me and then uploaded it to their tutorials page! How amazing is THAT!?
Honestly, their customer service alone is worth the $50 I paid for my theme. To have someone help me solve any issues is so priceless to me.
Didn't Pull My Hair Out
Those weeks of agony trying to figure out wordpress on my own was SO not worth it. I learned more in an hour using my new theme than I had in weeks of frustration.
Moral of the story here: Hair is precious. Don't waste it by getting aggravated over setting up your website.
(I didn't really pull it out, but I probably got a grey hair from the stress. Also not desired.)
I'm just mad at myself for not purchasing my theme sooner!
Best Feminine Blog Themes
I honestly can't say enough good things about 17th Avenue.
To start your own website, you'll need hosting first. This is the website host I have and highly recommend (as they are the best value for the cheapest price!)
Here are some of the themes I'd recommend below. Clicking on the images will bring you to their website to look at the demos of the actual site you'd get, etc.
It's amazing!
Let me know if you have any questions. I'm more than happy to assist!
Harper Theme
Mia Theme
Amelia Theme

Charlotte Theme

Audrey Theme
Magnolia Theme
Pippa Theme
Ivy Theme
Review of 17th Ave Feminine Blog Themes
If I can set up a blog, you can too!
Like I mentioned, I was completely new to blogging and website design, and I had my site up and running within the night!
I've been so grateful for 17th Avenue.
Otherwise, I probably wouldn't given up on blogging altogether or hired someone to set it up for a lot more money. Good luck and let me know if you set it up! I'd love to check it out! We can learn together! =)
For a full detailed tutorial on how to set up a blog, visit my beginner's guide here that is basically the dream blueprint I wish I had when I started.
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This is so helpful. Thank you!
I’m so glad it’s helpful! =)
Hello. When looking at the Magnolia theme I can’t really see the similarities with your blog’s design… you mentioned you wanted it to look exactly as the theme and thats what made it so time-saving but it does not really seem to be the case. Any feedback?