Looking to challenge yourself to transform your mind, body, and spirit? Here is a free printable habit tracker to conquer the best version of yourself with ease.

Join hundreds of women in this 28 day “New Me” Habit Tracker Challenge where the goal is to transform yourself in mind, body, and spirit. It's time we get out of the COVID rut and get ourselves back into some good, healthy habits, don't you think?
Let's do it, together!
This is the year we transform in all aspects of our life.
With this habit tracker template, you will be conquering 6 goals over a 28 day period.
I use this exact challenge template when I want to accomplish a goal, whether it be nutrition-based, workout-based, faith-based, mind-based, etc.
In this post, I'll outline what the “New Me” Habit Tracker Challenge is and how YOU can join other women from across the world in this challenge while encouraging each other along the way!
This post is all about tracking habits with this free printable habit tracker that will help you conquer your goals like the boss babe you are!
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How to Do the Habit Tracker Challenge
What is this ” new me” challenge anyway?
This is a mental and physical challenge to transform aspects of your life. The Financial Cookbook group of women is doing it ongoing together.
How does it work?
Let's discuss the exact steps! They're super easy!
1.) Choose 6 Habits
You will choose 6 different habits you want to accomplish daily on this 28-day journey. Think about accomplishing things from different categories.
For example, you may want to choose something nutrition-related and then something mind-related.
Here are some categories to think about when deciding which 6 things you'd like to challenge yourself to:
- Nutrition
- Physical
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Mind Enhancement
- Financial
- Business
- Career
Here are some examples of things you may want to add to your challenge:
- Workout
- No cheat meals
- Follow macros/diet
- Follow a budget
- Fasting hours
- Work during lunch
- Make a new friend
- Save XYZ Amount of Money
- Invest a % Every Week
- Drink 125 oz of water
- Read 10 pages of a book
- Learn something new
- Do a lesson to learn a new language
- Compliment someone
- Be kind to others
- Smile as much as you can
- Go outside
- Do something you enjoy
- Meditate
- Read your bible
- Daily devotional
- Walk
- Yoga
- Physical therapy
- No eating out
- Coffee at home
- No coffee
- No social media
- Debt payoff
- Work on a business project
The list goes on and on.
As you can see, there are so many things you can challenge yourself to! I wish we had more time in the day to conquer this entire list! Wouldn't that be amazing!!?
Anyway, sticking to 6 of these things will help transform different aspects of your life…just wait and see!
Helpful Tools for Your Chosen Goals
If you have a money-making financial goal you are tracking, these articles may help you in your journey:
- Ultimate List of 40+ Insanely Easy Ways to Make Money
- How to Make Your Own FREE Personal Finance Organizer
- 9 Extremely Helpful Things You Need to Know About Robinhood Trading
These posts will help with money-saving goals:
- 8 Unique Ways to Save Money as a College Student
- The BEST Unique Tips to Save Money on a Wedding
- 9 Money Saving Tips to Increase Your Savings Immediately
- How to Do Professional Looking Gel Nails at Home to Save $1,000 a Year
- Eco-Friendly Ways to Save Money: Ultimate List
- Things To Buy at Dollar Tree: Ultimate List of 50+ Items that Will Save You Hundreds
For book recommendations (if you've chosen a book goal), you'll enjoy these posts:
- 5 Books Every Woman Should Read to Take Her Career to the Next Level
- The 5 Best Financial Books that Will Change Your Life
- 6 GIRL BOSS Books That Will Change Your Life
Got any debt payoff goals? These will help!
- Free Debt Payoff Printables: Exact Steps You Need to Know to Get Out of Debt FAST
- FREE Printable Expense Tracker: Downloadable Budget Binder
2.) Pick from Different Categories
I encourage you to pick 6 categories. However, if that sounds like too many, pick how many you're comfortable with!
If you can only accomplish one without overwhelming yourself, do it! Don't feel shameful, one is amazing!!
I also recommend choosing things from different categories (so not everything from nutrition). Pick 1-2 things from 2-4 different categories.
This way, you'll experience a full mind, body, spirit transformation!
For example, here are the habits I am currently tracking in my 28-day challenge:
- Stick to my nutrition plan
- Fast for 16 Hours
- Take a progress picture (I'm doing the 75 Hard Challenge). By the way, if you haven't done this challenge, I HIGHLY recommend it as it will transform your life permanently!
- Walk every day for an hour
- Workout twice a day (once outside and once indoors)
- Do my physical therapy/stretch
- Do my bible reading/devotional
- Drink 128 oz of water
- Drink a green juice
- Read 10 pages of a book
- Do a language lesson to learn Spanish. Great deal on languange classes here for cheaper than a lunch per month!
You can see that they touch on different categories so that I'll be transforming different areas of my life!
3.) Start Tracking
Now, all you need to do is start tracking!
Just put a checkmark in the box under the corresponding habit on each day. You can also add details if you'd like, instead of just the check mark!
For example, I'll write in how many ounces of water I drink or how many hours I fasted.
Feel free to write whatever you'd like in the box so you can also track your progress within the habits!
If you are tracking workouts, I encourage you to write in which workout you did so you can look back on all that you've accomplished (and maybe even try to beat your time/dumbbell weight).
That's it! Super simple and straightforward!
4.) Decide Your Duration
If you did great on the 28 days, why not extend it?
ActiveIron did a study that showed it takes 21 days to make a habit (so we've got that covered) and 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle change. How about that!?
We ACTUALLY have the ability to make it a PERMANENT CHANGE!? Can you imagine!!?
I typically like to do a 12-week challenge myself so I print out 3 of these to put on the fridge! I find that the results after 12 weeks are so big that OTHER people even notice!
Binder for Challenge Tracker
I recommend either putting this tracker on your fridge, mirror, or closet door OR tracking it from a binder so that you can keep all of your challenges organized! (You know me and organization)
Here are some cute Amazon binder recommendations I absolutely love!
You can also just add a tab in your personal finance organizer.
Women's Challenge Support Group
If you'd like to join a supportive community of women that are tackling 28-day challenges all over the world, feel free to come to join us in the Financial Cookbook Facebook group.
You can share the habits that you're tackling, encourage others, and ask for support yourself!
We are there to lift each other up to help one another become the best versions of ourselves!
Free Challenge Tracker Printable
Alright? Are you ready to start your New Me 28-Day Challenge?
Let's get this baby download, printed, and ready to go so we can start transforming our lives!
You can download this free 28 Day Challenge Tracker Printable below.
During your challenge, I'd love to hear about your progress! Tag me on Instagram (@financialcookbook) or duet me on TikTok @financialcookbook!
We are in this together and I'm here to help you be the vest version of yourself! You're also there to help me do the same, right? We got this!
Conclusion to the “New Me” Challenge
I can't wait to hear the progress you make and the transformation you experience! It's so much fun to conquer goals!
What habits are you going to add? Let me know in the comments below!
At the end of your 28-day challenge, if you experienced a change or transformation, tag me on social media so we can celebrate you!! After all, that's what life is all about, right?
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