Hi there, I'm Lisa! Welcome to my financial and career empowerment coaching company where I educate on “all the things we should have been taught in school.”
I find that after we graduate from school (high school, college, and graduate degrees), it's like walking off a plank and not knowing how to swim. Anyone with me on that? Schools often don't teach the real world realities we need to know to be successful in life.
That's where I come in!
Here, I share my “financial cookbook” full of recipes for success in careers, finances, and overall life.
My mission is to empower women to follow their dreams, pursue their career goals, and achieve financial independence…all while living a life they love.
My Story
At the age of 24, I was able to pay off over $90,000 in student loan debt from my 4-year University degree and my MBA (Masters of Business Administration).
Just a few years later, I bought a half a million dollar home all on my own. (Yes, 100% on my own! No trust funds here!).
I went from eating Top Ramen (still a guilty pleasure) in college to owning my first home in just a few years. Now, I'm here to share my journey to help you achieve your financial and life goals as well!
After college, I was hired by a Fortune 100 Company. Since then, I've worked for several Fortune 250 Companies and actually still work for one as my current full-time career! I love my job. I travel the world on business, meet with C-level executives, and execute presentations on a daily basis.
The Financial Cookbook is my side business as I truly have a passion to make a difference in the lives of other women.
What We Do
Here at The Financial Cookbook, I share my secrets for success on how to achieve financial freedom while accomplishing your career goals. I also reveal the mistakes I made along the way in the hope that my journey will help you with you with yours!
My financial “recipes” (aka articles) include everything from how to write a resume to the importance of a 401k to buying your first house to stock investing and everything in between!
(Basically, all of the things we wish we were taught in school!)
Our “Why”
Side note: You need to know your “why” in life. Think about it long and hard. “Why” do you want career success? “Why” do you want financial independence? “Why” do you want to lose weight? Everything you do in life needs to have a “why” behind it to drive success.
Here's why I started The Financial Cookbook.
When I graduated from college 10 years ago, I realized that it was actually quite difficult to figure out what financial and career path I was supposed to be on. No one teaches us that in college or high school! I watched as myself (and all of my friends) had to navigate the hard way.
We spent so much time failing with finding our first job out of college, tanking interviews, not understanding our credit score, not managing our money correctly, not knowing what a 401k is and if we needed it, intimidated by stock trading, unsure of how to buy a house, the list goes on…literally forever.
(In fact, what in the world did they even teach us? Oh yea…parallelograms.) =P
You get the point.
Anyway, I found that the barrier to entry in understanding some of these topics is often quite intimidating. Internet searches often use lingo that make the topics even more complicated!
I remember that whenever I'd set out to learn something new in the financial and business world, I was often left feeling a bit defeated and overwhelmed.
In fact, most of the time, I didn't know what I didn't know! Looking back, this “gap in education” caused me to miss out on opportunities that I NOW realize I would have handled differently.
Through conversations with friends, family, and colleagues, I found that I wasn't alone. In fact, over the years, they were coming to ME for financial, career, and success in life advice!
If only there was a rulebook we could have followed!
That's where I come in!
Roadmap to Success
After years of research, countless job interviews, success in my career, unique experiences, traveling the world, working for several Fortune 500 companies, daily C-level interactions, constant learning, business podcasts, financial books, and a lot of mistakes along the way, I finally decided to launch The Financial Cookbook.
I truly believe in the content I share and my goal is to help other women bridge that barrier to entry in financial decisions, accomplish their career goals, get out of debt and achieve financial freedom to start LIVING their dreams as the boss babe they are!
I aim to make a difference in the world and help women achieve career success and reach financial independence.
With 2 cups of determination and a sprinkle of motivation, I hope my “recipes” will help make up your personal financial cookbook to success! (Sorry, I had to!) =)
I would love to help you on your journey so feel free to ask me anything!
Feel free to join the NEW Financial Cookbook CLUB- FREE Community for Women to accompany like-minded women like yourself, ready to empower each other on our journeys to success!
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